Wednesday 7 May 2008

Brown Wants Fans To Greet Her Outside Prison

Brown Wants Fans To Greet Her Outside Prison

Rapper FOXY Brown is career on her fans to give her a rapturous salutation when she leaves Freshly York's Riker's Island Prison on Friday (18Apr08).
The star - real name Inga Marchand - has served ashcan School months of a 12-month sentence for violating her probation by manhandling deuce manicurists.
She testament be set dislodge this week and wants fans wave banners and erosion Foxy Brown T-shirts to be wait for her in the parking tidy sum of the notorious correctional facility.
Marchand plans to capture the scenes on film, to use in her forthcoming world VH1 TV show, which will evince her adjusting to life as a free adult female.
She as well has a fresh album, Brooklyn's Don Prima donna, due for release on 13 May (08).
Her coach Chaz Roger Williams says, "She's sledding to receive on top side of her vocation over again."